Buffett is right – bet on people, not assets
I was reminded by Alec Hogg (that prolific, crusading, excellent journalist) in his daily Biznews editorial this morning, that Warren Buffett’s annual letter to shareholders is out. I devoured it. The man is one of the richest men on earth – as we all know – and he has remained humble – an amazing feat! His letter gives many insights into business (some are useful for us at CN&CO – like the fact that passive investing, pioneered in SA by our partner Satrix – is often the way to go). However, the main themes – like so many of his previous letters, remains that people are what makes a company great. Leadership. Finding the right people (and right means “culture fit”), supporting them, empowering them, challenging them and letting them get on with things.
I remain most proud of CN&CO being a diverse company of people getting on with stuff. Where we get it wrong, please tell us so that we can apologize, fix it and move on. Where we get it right, celebrate with us as we make the world slightly better.