Soweto String Ensemble benefit concert for Early Care Foundation
Most of us know Anthea Gardner as the head of Cartesian Capital and host of The Money Shot (#invest) on Cliff Central. She also, by the way, drives the #invest bundles on EasyEquities.
In addition to all of this, Anthea is a a trustee and sponsor of the Early Care Foundation, which is putting on a benefit concert with the Buskaid Soweto String Ensemble on 16 February 2019 at the Linder Auditorium.
“The Early Care Foundation is excited to be celebrating exceptional home-grown talent,” says Anthea. “We’re hosting a, not to be missed, evening with internationally acclaimed Buskaid, Soweto String Ensemble.
“Tickets are the perfect Valentine’s day gift or corporate entertainment, and proceeds will be used to support the Early Care Foundation’s teacher development work in informal crèches in disadvantaged communities of South Africa.”
Dr Tshepo Motsepe, South Africa’s First Lady and chair of the Early Care Foundation, says, “This concert is a wonderful opportunity for us, together with the Trustees of the Early Care Foundation, to spend an evening enjoying Buskaid’s home-grown talent while shining a spotlight on the need for early childhood development.”
The proceeds of this event will be used to support the Early Care Foundation’s teacher development work in informal crèches in disadvantaged communities of South Africa.
“Education – especially early education – is vital to us uplifting and empowering our society,” says Anthea. “Many South African children still do not have access to quality preschool education. With your support we’ll extend our efforts to improve Early Childhood Development (ECD) programmes for thousands of vulnerable children.”
Ticket prices –
Children: R150
Adults: R250
Website and ticket sales: www.earlycarefoundation.org or www.howler.co.za or click on the image above.
About Early Care Foundation
The Early Care Foundation, a not-for-profit organisation established in 1990, is a provider of Early Childhood Development support programmes for home-based crèches in disadvantaged communities. The Early Care Foundation develops and facilitates early childhood development training programmes for under-skilled practitioners and owners of home-based crèches. The Early Care Foundation training equips beneficiaries with the necessary skills to provide a stimulating educational environment and meet the nutritional needs of the children in their care. The Early Care Foundation assists crèches to develop their facilities in order to comply with standards prescribed by the Department of Social Development to help them register their ECD centres and access social development subsidies.