Where were you at noon on Wednesday 14 August 2019?

Getting a whatsapp from a CN&CO team member to contribute to our “Where were you at noon” blog is like being caught without a chair playing musical chairs when the music stops. Invariably the day chosen is not convenient as I am running around. But today I was ready for Rob!

Carel isn’t usually caught this prepared but suffice to say when history is involved he usually over delivers.

 “I am at the Rand Steam Shopping Centre near the EasyEquities offices (where I spend a big chunk of my day – meeting Nilan Morar who plays many roles here – but mainly he is in charge of all aspects relating to trading and risk. He literally buys and sells hundreds of millions of rands worth of shares daily and he is my go-to person for any info I need for marketing/PR for EasyEquities.

As I love history and Johannesburg and value the art of conserving our past (and learning from it) for our future, I love supporting the businesses in this quirky, new setting – which even has an urban apiary! Here is some info from 2Summers, on the Dramatic Story of Rand Steam Laundries.

The resident Leb was hitting up Starbucks in Melrose because “ain’t nobody got time for slow wifi!” while he prepped for the Lombard Partnerships strat meeting this Friday, finalised the next campaign for Blair Atholl.

The data nerd for once wasn’t talking (as much) data as Josh caught up with Amy from Econorisk while they outlined some brand outputs for the near future.

Emi was with the Makeup Revolution team shooting content for the next few weeks and speaking about trends we’ve noticed on social, what is upcoming in the makeup world and how to tap into the global market.

The other Italian (Gianluca) was working on CN&CO’s newest client, Summercon Properties or as he likes to say “helping people find new homes” while he works from his new home.

One of our CN&CO directors, KZN representative and working mother of three Josie was fetching one of the three from school, having helped out with some ghost-pop basketball hoops for the little baker.

The word nerd Colin was direct with his word as he plainly stated “At home working on the Jozi Film Festival budget”.

Lethabo-Thabo aka “Thabs” was with the On Show Solutions team talking about and working on #MKTE2019. We are less than two months away from the show so there is lots to do. I’m working on social media and mailers and the team is finalizing exhibitors, buyers, design work, services, and more.

Resident Capetonian Blake was working on a potential new client while also visiting Yuppiechef to better understand the retail industry and partnerships in that space.

Bader, recently recovered from his IPT hockey win, surprised everyone by dropping his location in a “different” way thanks to what three words, working at “vest,beast,counters” with our partner the FIA.

Neo held down the fort so-to-speak, working from CN&CO HQ while ensuring this month is dedicated to celebrating women., working on a social media campaign to celebrate and profile the remarkable women at Sasria. Oh and also prepping for a possible job interview later that day!

1/3rd of the core events team was helping setup the ASIB Trade Conference today, as Rikus ensured the finishing touches were put in place with Rob and Oom Danie…

…and speaking of the other 2/3rds of the event team Francois and Llewellyn were relaxing at the Phi Phi Spa, yes, in Thailand, having some down time from the recent AIO and AIE conferences that took place in the last couple of months.

All in all, a diverse grouping of locations, clients and initiatives by the team!

The CN&CO team is sometimes described as the “Scatterlings of Africa”, since we really are all over the place – geographically speaking, that is. It’s part of our lifestyle business approach: being able to work wherever we are and finding a balance that helps us to succeed in all areas of life.

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