EasyEquities investors can easily contribute to the Solidarity Fund
EasyEquities investors have raised more than R75 000 for the Solidarity Fund by donating a portion of their investments each time they transact – and that number is getting bigger by the day. While it may seem like a small amount compared to the generous donations of millions by corporates and philanthropists, at an average donation of R15 it translates to thousands of ordinary South Africans heeding the call of Thuma Mina.
“We have over 300 000 registered users on the investment platform, which is a great base from which to crowd-fund to aid our country in these troubled times,” says EasyEquities CEO Charles Savage, who was one of the first CEOs to announce a donation to the Solidarity Fund after President Ramaphosa announced its formation. EasyEquities donated R100 000.
Each time an EasyEquities user buys shares or ETFs they are asked if they wish to make a donation to the Solidarity Fund.
“We made it easy for investors to contribute to this excellent cause by allowing them to make a voluntary donation of either R5, R50 or R500 when they make a purchase via the EasyEquities platform,” says Charles. “This is a straightforward way for South Africans to contribute whatever they can afford directly to the fund, which was set up to help confront the Covid-19 pandemic in South Africa.”
Charles says the money gets paid to the fund one month in arrears and all donators will receive tax certificates reflecting their donation before the tax year-end.
“As South Africans we all want to help,” says Charles. “Here is a way we can do so easily, efficiently and effectively. By combining our efforts, the results can be significant.”
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