Banditto Residency announces winner of prestigious prize based in Montefollonico, Italy
I met Roy Ockers a year or three ago (Covid gives me some flexibility as 2020 must sometimes be forgotten!) via well-known South Aftican artist Frans Smit.
Who happens to be the partner of ad world creative genius Nico du Toit.
Who in turn happens to be the brother of my dear friend and insurance entrepreneur extraordinaire Christelle Colman.
Who is married to the Liability Guy, Insurance Apprentice chief judge, Insuretalk MC and sometimes cutlery bender, my mate Simon Colman. (Christelle and Simon were the first couple I married btw).
You get the picture. Roy and I are tight 🙂
The day Roy and I met it was pouring with rain in Joburg. Roy had just arrived in South Africa (via Italy where he lives with his wife and son by way of the Netherlands where he is originally from). I told Roy to get in an Uber and make his way to Great Domaines (I had a meeting there with Derek Kilpin).
Needless to say (this was in bygone days when wine was readily availble!) we drank some great wines (Great Domaines is AMAZING!) and Roy and I hit it off immediately. The man is an entrepreneur, art lover and collector, has tattoos and got on a plane to meet me based on very little info from Frans. He clearly was as “mad” as me – a match made in heaven 🙂
Fast forward and Roy has been to SA a few more times – including a two-month stint just before Christmas. He is moving and shaking in the African art world and has many exciting initiative on the go. He has learnt to love geelvet biltong (courtesy of my mate Aletta – who kindly hosted Roy’s awesome birthday lunch in December) and knows where to get the best coffee, whiskey and cigars. And loves Jozi more than Cape Town – see, a match made in heaven!

Every quarter, I have the great privilege and joy of helping Roy and a team of art legends to select the winner of the Banditto Residency, based at Roy’s gallery in beautiful Tuscany.
Banditto is a combination of the words Ban and Ditto. Meaning, to ban what has been done before. You only have to spend a few minutes with Roy to realsie that his natural impatience is alays pushing for the new, the better, the innovative.
Banditto Art is a ground-breaking platform founded and managed by Roy and is dedicated to supporting and showcasing the work of established and emerging artists from across the globe.
The artists who are featured and promoted by Banditto Art have been carefully selected for their outstanding quality of work and their unfailing passion for art. They are acclaimed in their fields and have greatly influenced the art industry.
Banditto Art is a renowned gallery with a worldwide network, and showcases the best sought-after art for sale in a variety of mediums.
Throughout the year, Banditto Galleria hosts group exhibitions featuring an array of artworks by some of the most talented contemporary artists. Banditto comprises a group of art-lovers, collectors and curators, who have specifically chosen modern and contemporary artists as well as fine art photographers – all of whom produce excellent quality pieces.
Banditto Art is passionate about discovering new masterpieces, and since 2020, the group decided to branch out further by launching pop-up galleries/exhibitions around the world.
Full disclosure – everyone I know is going to be invited to our South African pop-ups. In fact, to all our events across the world. When wine and travel are easily possible again …
Banditto not only supports the local artists on display and the art community of the specific country and city selected, but is also then able to further explore the various avenues in which art can reach all corners of the globe.
Limited Edition Prints
Many collectors disregard prints. Often they are seen as mass-produced copies of famous artworks that are just not worth investing in. But nothing can be further from the truth.
Prints can be just as valuable as any other artwork and certain prints are known to reach seven or eight-figure prices at auctions. One of the first prints ever made by Pablo Picasso entitled Le repas frugal sold for GBP 1,945,250 in 2012, while Au lit: Le baiser, a lithograph by Toulouse-Lautrec, reached a staggering price of USD 12,485,000.

Buying limited edition prints can be a great way to acquire pieces by well-known artists at affordable prices, but they can also serve as a great addition to an all-around collection that encompasses the entire body of work by a certain artist (paintings, drawings and prints alike). As many of my friends know, I am a huge fan and supporter of the Artist Proof Studio – which not only has amazing Kentridge prints, but works by many other phenomenal SA artists.
The range of styles and prices presented by Banditto Art means there is a piece available to accommodate all tastes and budget requirements. Banditto prides itself on providing collectors of all levels with an accessible platform that offers clients access to promising artists and works at affordable prices. Since limited edition prints often cost only a fraction of the price of an original painting or a photograph, they are a great way for new art collectors to kick off their collection.
But back to this week’s big news – the announcement that Maryam Turkey is the winner of this round’s Residency.

Maryam Turkey is an Iraqi-American artist and designer based in Brooklyn, NY. In 2009, she moved with her family as refugees to the United States where she attended Baltimore School for the Arts high school and learned traditional painting. She then continued her art and design education at Pratt Institute where she earned her Bachelor of Industrial Design in 2017.
Shortly after graduation, Maryam started her art and design practice with functional art and objects. Her greatest achievement was winning Launch Pad Furniture Category at Wanteddesign, NYCxDESIGN in 2018. She was then awarded a residency at the Museum of Art and Design where she developed her paper clay furniture collection “MAD Creatures”.
She is currently pursuing an Artist residency at the World Trade Center where she is developing a new collection of sculptural furniture and sculptural paintings.
It’s like a lucky packet when Roy sends the finalists for us to vote on. I have often said that art and artists are really what makes the world better. That moves us forward. A thought I borrow from great philanthropist and art collector Dick Enthoven. And so, presented by creatives who lay themselves bare, especially during this pandemic time of fear, anger and despair in many places across the world, to have a chance of going to Tuscany, is truly special.
Congrats to Maryam. Thank you to Roy and the Banditto Art team. Dankie Frans for my amazing portrait. Special thanks to Christelle for the intro (so easy to connect and make magic happen I always say and you proved it yet again!)
But most of all – to every artists, dancer, actor – anyone in the creative space. Covid has hit you particularly hard. But know that your work is valuable. Is valued. Is necessary. Is appreciated. Now. And always.
For more info on the Residency click here.