Riding a bear market
There’s much being said at the moment about bearish stock markets and how to invest in them. Charles Savage, CEO of EasyEquities, sent out this note to EasyVESTRs on the opportunities a bear market presents…
I know just how unsettling Bear markets, like we are currently experiencing, can be, so I thought I’d reach out and lend a word or two of support given that I’m almost two decades older than many of you 😉 and have been investing for almost three decades.
I’ve seen both sides of the market (Bull and Bear) and while my heart prefers Bull markets, my head reminds me that the best opportunities present themselves in Bear markets. It’s exactly at these times when you need to be stacking up on good stocks, staying the course and leaning into your investments. Pay more attention than ever to the news, reviews, research and market commentary.
Opportunities like these only come around, on average, every seven years. While the timing of the turnaround is not certain, what is certain is that it will turn around. Think about it like this – your favourite fashion shop is having a +50% sale on their timeless range of high street fashion, their stuff never goes out of vogue and it lasts forever…. what do you do? You go and find the items that fit you just right and you buy more of them than you ever have before, filling your wardrobe through to 2032.
Not that any of you really need my support because – as I’ve said before from having the privilege of being able to stand alongside the Easy community and to see how you have gone on to master your own very smart portfolios – our EasyEquities investors are exceptional. However, I did think a word from one of the smartest guys I know, Shaun, who manages 100% of my retirement portfolio, would give you some useful info.
Enjoy the read and stay the course, your 2032 self will be very grateful for the stocks you invest in today.