About that vegan on my verandah…

Popular cookery book There’s a Vegan on my Verandah, translated from the original Afrikaans Daar’s ‘n Vegan op my Verandah, is selling like vegan hotcakes, and will soon be available in French as well.

“Orders have been flowing in since we launched the book at Woordfees in Stellenbosch in October, and the English translation is doing exceptionally well, too,” says Carel Nolte of CN&CO, co-publisher and distributor of the books.  

There’s a Vegan on my Verandah is a beautiful celebration of fresh food and long-founded friendships. Yes, it’s a cook book… but it’s also so much more. Its pages contain brilliant vegan tips and recipes, personal stories by the authors – including the reason why they went with the archaic “h” at the end of the word “verandah” – and stunning photographs of people, gardens and the food we should be eating.

“It’s not just for vegans,” says Carel. “It’s a book for anyone who loves stories and food, and who wants to eat a bit more consciously.”

CN&CO, together with the books’ authors Louis Jansen van Vuuren and Isabella Niehaus, are offering a stunning prize of a four-night stay at the fabulous Château de la Creuzette guesthouse in Boussac, France. Anyone buying 10 books or more goes into the lucky draw for this sensational prize, which is currently booked for Bastille Day week in 2023.

To order your copies, contact carel@cnandco.com. You can collect in Stellenbosch, Western Cape or Morningside, Gauteng. Otherwise, we can courier your order to you wherever you are. Each copy costs R450, excluding VAT and delivery.

Also read:

Daar’s ‘n vegan op my verandah

There’s a vegan on my verandah – fabulous friends & food in France

Photo credit: There’s a Vegan on my Verandah

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