Social employment is key in overcoming poverty and improving mental health

“There is a kind of mental healthcare benefit that comes with someone being employed in a meaningful way,” says CN&CO’s Blake Dyason, co-founder of good deeds digital rewards platform, Brownie Points. “Through creating meaningful jobs and giving people the opportunity to learn new skills, we have the ability to inspire hundreds of people to become micro entrepreneurs in their own communities and spaces and make a meaningful difference while doing it.”

Blake was talking to corporate social investment news site, Social-TV, following the launch by Brownie Points of The Good Economy, a project that provides over 1 000 jobs in the social economy.

The article quotes two of the beneficiaries of the project, Leticia Ngcezu and Kholofelo Chauke of the Rays of Hope NPO, who talk about how The Good Economy has provided them with a sense of purpose as well as a much-needed income.

“Being part of this programme has allowed me to be independent. I’m able to support my family financially and I’m supported emotionally and spiritually by the team at Rays of Hope,” says Kholofelo.

The article concludes by highlighting the importance of employment, particularly among South Africa’s youth, to improve the standard of living and contribute towards strong mental health.

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