Men’s Health, EasyEquities, and EFC

While hosting a great group of people in Mauritius with our partner Club Med I met and spent time a number of wonderful people including the then editor of Men’s Health and his wife. I spent time with everyone in the group making sure they loved Club Med La Pointe aux Canonniers (which they absolutely do). In my conversations with A and J (the former MH editor and his wife) we discovered how much we had in common. It’s amazing that spending time with people with whom I had similar interests and having conversations about what we all do for work and the cool people we work with led to something even more great. After a few conversations, many emails, an EFC fight, a photoshoot, and two interviews the current Men’s Health issue featuring friend to CN&CO Cairo Howarth and EasyEquities came to life.

Cairo, president of EFC Africa, shares some great advice about starting a business and building a business including this gem: “It’s easy to start a business; it’s hard to make a business successful”. Ain’t that the truth!

He also shares that starting a business often means having “a lot of your own capital tied up in the business” so diversifying your investments and reducing your risk is a good thing. He shares how, while he had always been interested in the markets, he hadn’t started investing in the markets before recently. He says online platforms like EasyEquities can really make this…well, easy.

Friend to CN&CO and member of the EasyEquities team Standwa Nongauza is even quoted in a whole insert giving tips about investing!

At CN&CO we believe that 1+1=22 (at least) and this has been one of the many things that proves that. I was able to add value to our partner Club Med by hosting a great group of people at Club Med La Pointe aux Canonniers in Mauritius – all of whom loved the resort and plan to return soon; I made new friends with whom I share similar interests; I got to know Cairo from EFC – and I got to know him even better after reading the article; and EasyEquities has exposure to the MH readers, some of whom may not have known about Easy – making investing accessible for even more South Africans.

The best part is that we, as CN&CO, were able to add value to three of our partners and even more of our friends. Carel and many members of the team talk about this all the time, and sometimes it seems like it’s not possible. But somehow Mauritius + Club Med = more South Africans have the opportunity to generate wealth.

Get your copy of this month’s Men’s Health to read that article and a number of others. I am a fan of both Men’s Health and Women’s Health and I know there is something for everyone in the latest issue of MH.

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