#MKTE2019 is coming!

We are delighted that we are, again, working with On Show Solutions and the Kenya Tourism Board on the Magical Kenya Travel Expo social media and email content. This is an annual trade show that takes place at the Kenyatta International Conference Centre (KICC) in Nairobi, Kenya from 2 – 4 October 2019.

MKTE is at the heart of tourism in Africa; it is quite literally at the heart of Africa (Kenya) and, with the great diversity of attendees, it is at the heart of tourism into our wonderful continent.

It will welcome hundreds of delegates from around the world. In attendance will be: various dignitaries from the Kenyan government, like the Cabinet Secretary of Tourism; members of the Kenya Tourism Board (KTB), like the chair and the CEO of the KTB; members of the tourism industry in Kenya and East Africa, like tour operators, lodges, hotels, and destination management agencies; travel agents from East Africa’s key source markets, like the USA and China; media; and more.

It is a fantastic event and a great way to continue tourism into Kenya, East Africa, and Africa as a whole.

MKTE 2018 is officially opened by the Cabinet Secretary for Tourism, the chair of the KTB board, ministers of tourism from fellow African countries, and a dignitary from the United Nations

Why attend MKTE 2019

There are many benefits to attending MKTE 2019 because the show is designed to help individuals in the tourism industry meet and do business with trade working in and around East Africa.

Also, the KTB shares market insights and the latest research into tourism trends to enable local trade to better serve international visitors.

Hosted buyers (travel agents from other countries) will have the opportunity to experience product offerings on pre-show fam trips, giving them the opportunity to speak with authority about the offering when they return to their home countries. It is a great opportunity for the buyers to meet with the team behind the products and begin to build good working relationships for future trips for their clients.

In the build up to the show, we will share some information on Kenya, the show, and why it is East Africa’s largest travel trade show.

Sign up for MKTE 2019 here.

Follow the show on social media using #MKTE2019, liking the Facebook page (@magicalkenyatravelexposhow), following the Twitter account (@mktravelexpo), and following the Instagram page (@magicalkenyatravelexpo).

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